If you think or know you have Japanese knotweed growing on your property, it’s worth getting this diagnosis confirmed as quickly as possible. It can cause severe problems if left alone, so it’s vital that you take steps to manage the situation immediately.
Here are some of the main reasons why it’s so important that you get rid of Japanese knotweed straight away.
Japanese knotweed is tall and prolific, with bamboo-like stems with reddish-purple spots. Due to its towering height (up to two metres) will easily outcompete other plants for light and space. This means it could decimate your chosen garden plant life.
Japanese knotweed was initially introduced as an ornamental plant, but no plant retains this value when it becomes a garden monoculture. A uniform garden is an uninspired, even ugly one and, as Japanese knotweed brings no floral colour, a sea of stunning, colourful leaves and petals will soon become a nondescript, unappealing jungle of green.
Of course, it’s not just the fact it outcompetes other plans and can turn your garden into a jungle that makes Japanese knotweed problematic. The real problems caused by Japanese knotweed arise from its particularly vigorous growth and strength.
It has been known to grow through fences, walls, floors, concrete, and even piping and electrical work. The rhizomes - that is, continuously growing horizontal underground stems - hungrily and effectively search out any available weakness/purchase from which to grow new, strong shoots and lay roots. This can eventually devastate many structures.
As a result of this powerful potential for damaging property, Japanese knotweed can decrease the value of properties where it is found. In some instances, hundreds of thousands of pounds have been lost when selling a property where even the smallest infestation of Japanese knotweed was found. It can even cause properties to be deemed unsaleable by estate agents.
Due to this potential damage, devaluation of property, and its capacity to continue spreading, it is a legal offence to allow Japanese knotweed to grow anywhere beyond your property. This is a challenging thing to control as, once it is present on your property, it will easily spread beyond fences and boundaries.
When disposing of Japanese knotweed, particular care must be taken so that it doesn’t spread elsewhere. You cannot dispose of it in the same way you would other garden waste, nor can you take it to your local tip. It goes without saying that disposing of it on any other private or public land is a significant legal offence.
As is plain to see, getting rid of Japanese knotweed isn’t easy - if it was, it wouldn’t pose such a big problem. Its prolific growth and extremely resilient nature make it near-impossible to totally get rid of without specialist knowledge and treatment.
If you need help getting rid of a Japanese knotweed infestation, before searching ‘weed control companies near me’,
contact Gaia Environmental and find out how we can help. Gaia Environmental is a specialist weeds removal company operating across the South East, with a wealth of experience removing Japanese knotweed.