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How to Get Rid of Japanese Knotweed

Gaia Environmental
22 November 2022

If you think you might have Japanese knotweed, it’s important to remove it as soon as possible, and permanently. Japanese knotweed causes all sorts of problems and only becomes more difficult to contain. If this invasive and prolific weed is growing on your property it can make it harder to sell, and even cause legal problems should it grow over into adjacent properties.


There’s a reason Japanese knotweed is so disdained. Because of its extremely pervasive and vigorous nature, it can spread to all sorts of places, embedding its roots into building cracks and foundations, even in pipes. Unchecked, this weed can cause many costly damages.


Read on to identify whether you have Japanese knotweed and determine how to get rid of it.

How to Identify Japanese Knotweed

Japanese knotweed is a herbaceous perennial plant. It produces tall, bamboo-like shafts with purple spots, and can grow as tall as two metres high. From the stems grow heart-shaped leaves in alternating positions that are light green in colour. These are chased by plumes of small white flowers. The flowers grow to 15cm in length, the leaves 14cm. Later in autumn, the plants enter dormancy and their stems die, losing the leaves. However, these dead shafts will remain for some time.


Watch out for new shoots growing among the shafts come spring, or anywhere else for that matter. They will be reddish in colour. You will see new shafts and leaves growing from these shoots.


If in doubt about your Japanese knotweed identification, simply call professional knotweed removers. They should be able to help identify the knotweed, especially if you send them a picture.

Killing and Removing Japanese Knotweed Yourself

Once you’ve identified the Japanese knotweed, it’s time to act. The sooner you remove it, and permanently, the better. Small clumps may be manageable on your own. You can remove the plant manually, from the root, or apply weed killer. Alternatively, you can continuously remove all its leaves for a more organic method. However, this can take a long time and be a laborious process. Weed killer is the most effective, as pulling the plant up can leave fragments in the soil which knotweed will likely continue to sprout from.


Hiring Professionals

When dealing with Japanese knotweed removal in larger clumps, it is strongly advised to employ a specialist weed removal service. Professional weed removers offer peace of mind with a guarantee of permanent removal that estate agents and legal bodies should accept. At the same time, they are likely to get the job done faster.


It isn’t only total eradication, speed of work, or saving yourself the hassle - weed removal experts also know how to dispose of invasive weeds like Japanese knotweed. Due to the legal implications of letting the weed spread, you cannot simply take the uprooted weeds to the tip or other common disposal outfits. Disposing of the weed elsewhere can be a crime.


For professional Japanese knotweed treatment and disposal, contact a specialist service. Gaia Environmental offer efficient removal services on a wide range of properties in the South East, both commercial and domestic. If you’re in London, Kent, Surrey or surrounding areas, and concerned you may have Japanese knotweed, call today for an assessment.

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